8 Lucrative Side Hustles Perfect for Young Stay-at-Home Mum’s: Turn Your Skills into Extra Income

Side hustles for young mum’s – Or mum’s of any age!

Being a stay-at-home mum is a rewarding but demanding full-time job in itself. You’re the chef, entertainer, and chief problem solver, all rolled into one. But what if you could use your skills and experiences to bring in some extra income while still being there for your family?

Side Hustles for Young Mum's
8 Side hustles for the Stay at home mum

But what if while the husband’s at work and the kids are at school you find yourself wanting to earn some extra income while taking the family are occupied? Luckily, there are plenty of side hustles that can be started by young mum’s in their 30’s, or anyone for that matter.

The good news is, with the rise of digital entrepreneurship, there’s a plethora of side hustles perfectly suited for ambitious mum’s like you. All can be suited for moms with flexible schedules and a knack for getting things done. Whether you’re a whiz with words, a creative soul, or an organizational guru, there’s an opportunity waiting for you.

In this blog post, we will explore eight side hustles that are perfect for stay-at-home mum’s looking to make some extra money.

1. Content Creator: Unleash Your Inner Blogger or YouTuber

Do you have a way with words or a passion for a particular niche? Share your knowledge and experiences by starting a blog or YouTube channel. Starting a blog is a great way for stay-at-home moms to share their experiences and expertise with others while earning money.

Whether you have a passion for fashion, parenting tips, DIY crafts, healthy recipes, or beauty hacks for busy moms., you can create a blog and monetize it through various methods such as sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and selling digital products.

Getting Started:

  • Choose your platform: Blogs offer written content, while YouTube allows for video tutorials and demonstrations. Consider your strengths and the format that best suits your niche.
  • Find your niche: What are you passionate about? What questions do other moms have? Focus on a specific area to attract a dedicated audience.
  • Create high-quality content: Engaging writing, captivating videos, and beautiful visuals are key to attracting and retaining viewers.
  • Monetize your platform: Once you have a steady following, explore monetization options like advertising, affiliate marketing, or selling your own products.

Check out our full MummyDiaries Blog or take a look at our sister site PlaytimeBytes for some inspiration.

Hosting your Blog

If your looking for somewhere to host a blog we would recommend using Hostinger, Hostinger offers the perfect platform to bring your ideas to life. With user-friendly tools, customizable templates, and reliable hosting services, creating your own blog has never been easier. 

2. E-commerce Entrepreneur: Start a Shopify Store with your own Crafts

If you have a knack for crafting or creating unique products, opening a Shopify store can be a lucrative side hustle. You can sell anything from handmade jewelry to personalized home decor items. Shopify provides an easy-to-use platform that allows you to set up your store and start selling your products in no time.

The world of e-commerce is booming, and platforms like Shopify make it easier than ever to set up your own online store.

Getting Started:

  • Find your niche: What products are you passionate about? Research market trends to identify profitable and trendy items.
  • Set up your Shopify store: Choose a user-friendly theme, create compelling product descriptions, and integrate secure payment gateways.
  • Consider dropshipping : See Below.

Head over to our Shopify store TLE Crafts. Whether you’re searching for the perfect gift for a loved one or treating yourself to something special, TLE Crafts has something for everyone. With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to customer satisfaction, we guarantee a shopping experience that’s as delightful as our products.

TLE Crafts on Shopify - Side Hustles for Young Mum's
Side Hustles for Young Mum’s – TLE Crafts on Shopify

3. Try Dropshipping

Third on our list of side hustles for young mum’s is dropshipping.

Dropshipping is another excellent option for stay-at-home moms who want to start an online business without the hassle of managing inventory. With dropshipping, you can sell products from suppliers without having to stock them yourself. When a customer places an order, the supplier will ship the product directly to the customer’s doorstep. This means you can focus on marketing and customer service while the supplier takes care of the logistics.

Competition in the e-commerce world is fierce but don’t let that put you off, with the right strategies and determination you can succeed with anything if you put you mind to it,

Tip: This may be suited for parents with older children as it may take up a substantial amount of your free time.

Getting Started:

  • Find your niche: What products are you passionate about? Research market trends to identify profitable and trendy items.
  • Market aggressively: Social media, email marketing, and even consider pay-per-click ads to drive traffic.
  • Compelling content: High-quality images and descriptions are crucial to convince customers.
  • Competitive pricing: Research competitor prices and find the sweet spot between profit and affordability.
  • Customer service focus: Respond promptly, address issues efficiently, and prioritize customer satisfaction.
  • Start small, scale smart: Begin with a focused product selection and gradually add more as you grow.
  • Transparency is key: Be upfront about longer shipping times due to dropshipping.
  • Offer extra value: Consider gift wrapping or personalized notes to set your store apart.
  • Set up your store: Choose a user-friendly theme, create compelling product descriptions, and integrate secure payment gateways.
  • Partner with a dropshipping supplier: Find reliable suppliers who offer high-quality products and fast shipping times.

if you want to try your hand at starting an eCommerce business we would highly recommend looking into SaleHoo, its a fantastic resource to help with all your business needs. Look out for our full review of SaleHoo

Side Hustles for Young Mum's - SaleHoo Directory

Stop researching. Start growing something BIG! Discover 8,000+ pre-vetted suppliers and over 2.5 million winning products.
And finally bring your vision to life.

SaleHoo offers a directory of pre-vetted suppliers and a dropship program that lets you add products to your Shopify store in minutes. SaleHoo also offers educational resources to help you learn how to build and grow your business.

Side Hustles for Young Mum's - SaleHoo eCommerce Accelerator

4. Virtual Assistant: Put Your Organizational Skills to Work

Are you a master scheduler? If you have excellent organizational and administrative skills, becoming a virtual assistant can be a profitable side hustle. Many entrepreneurs and small business owners are looking for virtual assistants to help them with tasks such as email management, social media scheduling, and customer support. You can find virtual assistant opportunities on platforms like Upwork and Freelancer.

Getting Started:

  • Identify your skillset: What are you good at? Do you enjoy social media management, data entry, or customer service?
  • Build your profile: Create a profile on websites like Upwork or Fiverr, highlighting your skills and experience.
  • Set your rates: Research standard VA rates for your chosen niche and set competitive pricing.
  • Network with potential clients: Connect with small business owners in your community or online groups.

5. Freelancer in the Gig Economy:

Your skillset as a mum is incredibly valuable! The gig economy offers a variety of freelance opportunities that can be done on your own schedule. If you have a specific skill set, such as writing, graphic design, or web development, you can offer freelance services to clients. Freelancing allows you to work on your own terms and choose projects that align with your interests and expertise. Websites like Fiverr and Freelancer.com are great platforms to showcase your skills and connect with potential clients.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Childcare Consultant: Share your parenting expertise by offering virtual consultations on topics like sleep training, potty training, or creating routines.
  • Transcriptionist: Accurately convert audio or video recordings into written text. This can be a flexible way to earn income while utilizing your active listening skills.
  • Data Entry Specialist: Many businesses need help with data entry tasks like updating spreadsheets or managing customer information. If you have a keen eye for detail and enjoy working with data, this could be a good fit.

6. Online Tutor or Course Creator:

If you have knowledge or expertise in a particular field, consider creating and selling online courses. Platforms like Udemy or Skillshare allow you to connect with students worldwide.

This gives you the flexibility to work around your family’s schedule. create and sell courses on various topics, ranging from photography to marketing. This side hustle not only allows you to share your knowledge but also provides a passive income stream once the courses are created.

Getting Started:

  • Identify your area of expertise: What subjects are you comfortable teaching? Consider your academic background or professional experience.
  • Choose your platform: Research online tutoring platforms or course creation websites that cater to your chosen subject.
  • Develop your course materials: Create engaging lessons, quizzes, and assignments for online learners.
  • Market your services: Promote your tutoring services or online courses on social media and relevant online communities.

7. Crafting Queen

Turn your creative talents into cash! If you enjoy making jewelry, knitting scarves, or crafting unique home decor, there’s an audience waiting to buy your creations.

Getting Started:

  • Sell on Etsy: This popular online marketplace allows you to set up your own shop and sell handcrafted goods to a global audience.
  • Host Local Craft Fairs: Showcase your products at farmers markets, craft fairs, or local events to connect with potential customers in your community.
  • Offer DIY Workshops: Share your crafting skills by teaching online or in-person workshops on topics like soap making, jewelry design, or home decor DIY projects.

Check out our shop TLE Crafts for more inspiration

8. The Domesticity Doula:

Many busy families crave help with everyday tasks. Offer your services as a domesticity doula, providing assistance with errands, meal prepping, or light housekeeping.

  • Target Busy Professionals: Advertise your services in local parenting groups or online platforms that cater to busy professionals.
  • Offer Flexible Packages: Create different service packages to cater to individual needs, from weekly grocery shopping to a one-time deep cleaning.
  • Maintain High Standards: Reliability, trustworthiness, and a commitment to quality are key to building a successful domesticity doula business.

As a young stay-at-home mom in your 30’s, you have plenty of options when it comes to side hustles and this is just a few. Whether you choose to start a blog, open a Shopify store, try dropshipping, become a virtual assistant, offer freelance services, teach online courses, start a YouTube channel, or become a crafty queen, the key is to find something that aligns with your interests and skills. With dedication and hard work, you can turn your side hustle into a successful venture while still being able to prioritize your family.

Remember: while it’s good to start a side hustle as a young mum’s it’s also important to take some time out for yourself too!

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