Mums biggest fear

What is your biggest fear as mum?

Mums biggest fear. This is something people ask regularly. Now as new parents the biggest fear is doing something wrong or feeling like a failure. Its something we all feel at some point I know I did a lot. I also knew I loved my child more than anything in world, We all do. So when I had Lexi-Rose all those fears from TJ came back, Oh my how would I cope with 2 children but I knew I could it.

Lexi and TJ

Biggest fear realisation

Lexi was a small baby with complications during my pregnancy. After my C-section I thought everything was ok we was free to go. Only after a few weeks she wasn’t gaining weight like TJ had. I thought maybe she was just petite like myself and the women in the family. Unfortunately a year later my worst fears would become a reality.

Lexi first year

Lexi still wasn’t gaining weight at a normal rate it was very slow, she was still very small. I asked the GP about her hands and feet always being a blue tinge, Why she was always tired and that she didn’t have great appetite. I was told maybe she was just small and not a bigger eater, Saying I was just used to the way TJ ate he had a large appetite.

The fight begins

We went back and forth to the doctors, countless times. They thought I was just a paranoid mum but I wasn’t. I knew something was not right with Lexi. Nobody wanted to listen to me but as her mum I knew. I always tell people now your the mum you know you’re child best fight and get them to listen. So this mums biggest fear was coming true.

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