This is my personal blog where you will find posts relating to my everyday trials and tribulations


Trials of a teen mum

Falling pregnant at 16 The Trails of a teen mum. Falling pregnant at 16 wasn’t in my future but these things happen. I found out on May 10th I was pregnant. Now I knew it wouldn’t be easy. I knew there would be judgment and criticism.  I knew it would be difficult in the respects

BLOG, Productivity & Lifestyle

Love a conference

Anyone else love a work conference? I love going to a work conference, meeting new people and learning about new products. On the 4th October I went to a Avon conference locally. I enjoyed meeting some leaders and see lots of new products. The Love of a Good, Inspiring Work Conference. Fuelling Success and Growth

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Why I joined Avon

Top 5 reason I joined Avon My top reason for why I joined Avon is the products, I love the products at they are so reasonably priced. My second reason is I earn some money from and bring happiness to others. Walking I love walking through Overton popping books out. Collecting the books its keeping

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