Breaking my arm

Breaking my arm

Bruised & broken

I recently had a accident at home. I was walking down the stairs and slipped. Panicking I tried to grab the banister, instead my arm got stuck between the bars.

Leaving it till the next day when I realised it quiet bad I headed to A&E. While there the bruising as you can see in picture A was extremely bad. Off to X-Ray I go to be told they was not sure if it was broken or not, and the fracture clinic would see me in a few days.

Bright pink cast

Get a call on the Monday to be told they would see me on Wednesday. I go in and have more X-Rays done, when the doctor comes back in she explains that she can see its broken and iv possibly dislodged the scaphoid bone in my wrist. We knew then that I would need to be in cast.

Picking a colour

I let Elsie-may choose the colour of the cast, she chose pink her favourite colour. I knew this wasn’t over, I was informed I would need an MRI and possibly need an operation. 5 days later I had to call the fracture clinic and let them know my cast was really loose and falling off. They called me back and asked me to come in and be fitted for a new one. So 2 casts in less than 2 weeks and still no MRI booked.

I will keep you all updated with what is happening. Hopefully I will not need this cast on for too long, and my MRI comes through quickly and all goes ok.


Update: Mri has been done now to wait for the results. I am now in a purple cast.

Update 2: I am no longer in a cast, still waiting for the MRI results, the Drs believe I have something called tenosynovitis.

Hope your are all enjoying your holidays.

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